
Showing posts from September, 2019

My speech

At school we had to use 3 different apps together to make 1 video.
I found it very very challenging.
There were lots of set back like you could only use 6 slides but I forgot (Oppps) Yo could only use 6 images or make them out of shapes.

Pick a path

 In writing we have been making a pick a path.
I found it really hard because it was really confusing getting all the links on the right slide.
I also found it really FUN at the same time.

My Powtoon

At school we have been making a powtoon of our inquiry question and sustainability.
I found it really fun because I love creating stuff.
I really didn't like recording my voice (it's embarrassing)   

Calendar art

At school we've been working on our our calendar art this is mine. 
I found this a little bit challenging but fun at the same time.
Thank you for looking at my blogger;D